Tue, 23/06/2009
The Storialist

via The Sartorialist
A sleeve, a cuff, a collar or cut neckline:
Edges, limits, ending punctuation:
A stop, a pause, the expectation
That we must cover ourselves, yes,
But that the way the garments end
Or begin draws the eye; we see
The shape of apparel because
It allows us to divide body parts
Into parts: hems, seams, darts.
via The Storialist
Tak. The Sartorialist naprawde rzadzi, skoro znalazl sie taki/taka, co pisze wiersze inspirowane zdjeciami Scotta Schumana . Podejrzewam, ze to cwiczenia stylistyczne. Mam nadzieje, ze to cwiczenia stylistyczne!